Introduction to Jasmine


  • Understand why we should test our code with specs
  • Describe what assertions and expectations are
  • Implement Jasmine with a Node application
  • Create a suite of tests and individual tests inside of a suite

Getting Started with Jasmine

  1. Create a new project folder.
  2. Change directory to that folder.
  3. npm init a new application. Enter, enter, enter...
  4. Let's take a look at our folder structure: tree. Now, add an app and a spec folder. The app folder will contain your application and your spec folder will contain your tests.
  5. We need to install Jasmine. To do so, npm install jasmine-node --save
  6. Now, we need to find where our executable for tests lives... node_modules/.bin/jasmine-node spec
  7. Let's run that! node_modules/.bin/jasmine-node spec
  8. In your package.json, under the "scripts" for test, replace the value with node_modules/.bin/jasmine-node spec
  9. Run npm test
  10. Verify your tests run.
  11. Wait. what tests?! Let's add some! We'll add them to the spec folder.
  12. Inside of the spec folder, create a new Javascript file. Such as testSpec.js or somethingSpec.js. For tests to successfully be ran, you must end the file with Spec.
  13. Now, run npm test!

Describe Suites of Tests

  • We need to describe a suite, or set, of tests
  • A suite includes multiple things to test
  • Suites can include other suites as children
  • Inside of each suite of tests, we include individual tests
describe('a set of problems to solve', function() {
  // tests go here...

Describe a Test

  • Each test is described
  • it has a variety of expectations
describe('a set of problems to solve', function() {

  describe('a failing test', function() {
    it('fails', function() {

  describe('an individual problem to solve', function() {

    it('a basic test', function() {
      var expected = 'solution';
      //var assert = 'womp womp';
      var assert = expected;




Jasmine Matchers


results matching ""

    No results matching ""