Using APIs!

  • Using a jQuery boilerplate, you should create 3 Ajax requests to fetch data from:
  • Sweet APIs Spreadsheet
  • Use the $.ajax method at least once.
  • Use the $.getJSON method at least once.
  • Use at least 2 APIs (3 would be nice).


  • Make sure your requests using Ajax render content on the page. This can be done in getJSON's callback or in ajax's success/error methods.
  • Utilize jQuery (or even vanilla JS if you're feeling it) to render two or more attributes from each Ajax request.
  • Have all of the requests visible on your jQuery/Ajax boilerplate.


  • Work in groups of 2-3 on this project.
  • It might be a good idea to research the APIs and test them prior to writing code. Some of these APIs could be out of date!
  • Make sure everyone writes the code. Practice makes perfect. Repetition is great.


  • Before making an Ajax request, find an Ajax Spinner image somewhere. Or some text. Either way, indicate to users on your page that data is being loaded.
  • Hide the message/image after the Ajax request has been completed (inside of getJSON's Callback or ajax's success or error methods).
  • This will let users know something is happening... but it isn't finished yet.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""