Google Chrome Shortcuts

Getting away from the mouse and track will greatly increase your workflow! Know your tool!

  • cmd + t opens up a new chrome tab
  • cmd + n opens up a new chrome window
  • cmd + shift + b toggles your bookmark mark bar on and off
  • cmd + shift + J opens up your downloads page
  • cmd + shit + click opens up link in new tab
  • cmd + shift + t reopens the last ten tabs you closed
  • cmd + f opens up the find toolbar
  • cmd + w closes current tab
  • cmd + shift + W will close the selected window
  • cmd + option + <- or -> to toggle between chrome tabs
  • cmd + L highlights the address bar
  • cmd + R reloads the page
  • cmd + option + I opens developer tools
  • cmd + D saves current page as a bookmark

  • cmd + ~ allows you to toggle between open windows, that are not minimized

  • cmd + z is the undo shortcut (your new best friend)
  • cmd + y is the redo shortcut
  • cmd + shift + (+) zooms in
  • cmd + shift + (-) zooms out

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