Week 1 Weekend Practice - REPS!

Round 1

Write a function lengths that accepts a single parameter as an argument, namely an array of strings. The function should return an array of numbers. Each number in the array should be the length of the corresponding string. To get you started, you'll need to loop through each string in the array and get the length of each one. Those lengths should be stored in a different array that you will return.

Remember that when building a function, you want to use declare a function with a name that accepts arguments. So for building our function called lengths that accepts an array of strings, it might look something like:

// declare function named "lengths"
// that accepts a arguments named "arrayOfStrings"
function lengths(arrayOfStrings) {

  // we can log out our "arrayOfStrings"

  // now, we want to "return" something... but what?

  return whateverVariableYouWantToReturnHere;

var words = ["hello", "what", "is", "up", "dude"]
lengths(words)  # => [5, 4, 2, 2, 4]

Round 2

Write a Javascript function called transmogrifier This function should accept three arguments, which you can assume will be numbers. Your function should return the "transmogrified" result

The transmogrified result of three numbers is the product (numbers multiplied together) of the first two numbers, raised to the power (exponentially) of the third number.

For example, the transmogrified result of 5, 3, and 2 is (5 times 3) to the power of 2 is 225.

Use your function to find the following answers.

transmogrifier(5, 4, 3)
transmogrifier(13, 12, 5)
transmogrifier(42, 13, 7)

Round 3

Write a function called toonify that takes two parameters, accent and sentence.

  • If accent is the string "daffy", return a modified version of sentence with all "s" replaced with "th".
  • If the accent is "elmer", replace all "r" with "w".
  • Feel free to add your own accents as well!
  • If the accent is not recognized, just return the sentence as-is.

  • Reference: MDN: String.replace()

toonify("daffy", "so you smell like sausage")
#=> "tho you thmell like thauthage"

Round 4

Write a function wordReverse that accepts a single argument, a string. The method should return a string with the order of the words reversed. Don't worry about punctuation. You'll need to use String.split() to create an array of words (splitting them with a space or " ". Then you'll need to reverse the order of that array using array.reverse(). Finally, you'll loop through them to create a new string).

wordReverse("Now I know what a TV dinner feels like")
# => "like feels dinner TV a what know I Now"

Round 5

Write a function letterReverse that accepts a single argument, a string. The function should maintain the order of words in the string but reverse the letters in each word. Don't worry about punctuation. This will be very similar to round 4 except you won't need to split them with a space.

letterReverse("Now I know what a TV dinner feels like")
# => "woN I wonk tahw a VT rennid sleef ekil"
letterReverse("Put Hans back on the line")
# => "tuP snaH kcab no eht enil"

Round 6

Write a function longest that accepts a single argument, an array of strings. The method should return the longest word in the array. In case of a tie, the method should return the word that appears first in the array.

longest(["oh", "good", "grief"]) # => "grief"
longest(["Nothing" , "takes", "the", "taste", "out", "of", "peanut", "butter", "quite", "like", "unrequited", "love"])
# => "unrequited"

Final Round

Write a function, called repMaster, that accepts two arguments, input and a function. Input should be able to be used with the function. The function used as an argument must return a string. repMaster should take the result of the string, passed as an argument to the argument function, and return this result with ' proves that I am the rep MASTER!' concatenated to it.

repMaster("Never give your heart to a blockhead", wordReverse) # =>
"blockhead a to heart your give never proves that I am the rep MASTER!"
repMaster("I finished this practice", toUpperCase);
"I FINISHED THIS PRACTICE proves that I am the rep MASTER!"

Note that a function can be used as an argument for a function! Inside of the function, you just need to call it. Example:

function logSomething(string) {



function doSomethingWithFunctions(yourFunction) {

  // you 'call' yourFunction
  var someString = "hey, you're going to log me";
  return yourFunction(someString);



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