Homework: Requesting with Node

Tonight you need to use Node.js to make a request to OMDB.

  • npm init a new project.
  • Define an movie.js and an app.js.


  • The movie file will contain a Module.
  • This module should export a function named get(movieTitle).
  • get(movieTitle) should make a request to OMDB with the movieTitle as an argument.
  • You should console.log your output.
  • You should test this to verify it works!


  • The app should require your movie module.
  • You should define your threeFavouriteMovies as an array.
  • You should then use the Array.forEach() function to loop through them.
  • As you loop through them, you should call on your movie module's get(movieTitle)

Starter Code: app.js

var movie = require("./movie");
var threeFavouriteMovies = [];
  // your code here

results matching ""

    No results matching ""