Javascript Recap, Reps, and Resilience


You will create an individual file for each of these tasks. Each task will be named as one.js, two.js, etc. based on the number that corresponds to the task. Please save these in 07_fullstack_node/your_name and create a pull request when completed. NOTE that not all of these must be completed. You know what skills you should focus on. We leave hints to help you; you must do your own research.

You may also need to use HTML and/or CSS to complete this task. We just want the Javascript code. Feel free to use tools like Codepen and JSFiddle and link to them if you do use them in a comment.

1. Data Types

Create the following variables and in a comment after the variable, state the type that it is. If you are unsure of the type, use the function typeof to find it out. Note that some types may not be what you expect...

  • The number that represents pi.
  • Your full name.
  • A list of prime numbers.
  • A hash-like structure to represent the attributes of yourself.
  • If you are taking WDI or not.

2. Array Manipulation

  • Create an array.
  • Add 3 places you have visited in your life.
  • Remove two of them from the front of the array.
  • Add 3 places that you would like to travel to.
  • Remove one of them from the end of the array.

3. Objects; Objects Everywhere

  • Create an Object that represents a laptop.
  • Give it 3-5 attributes.
  • Give it one ability that tells the world about itself (similar to a to_s in Ruby)

4. Objects... again

  • Using the Object you created for #3....
  • Research the Object method that lists all of the keys in an Object. Use it to create an array.
  • Loop through this array using a for (not a for-in) loop.
  • console.log the keys.

5. Conditional Trials

  • Create a logical block that detects if a user is able to purchase alcohol.
  • If so, console.log out that they may have a drink.
  • Else, warn them via console.log to not break the law.

6. Loops, Loops, Merry-go-round

  • Create an array of your friends.
  • Now, create a loop that will pop a friend out every time the loop runs.
  • Tell a funny story about how they leave each time. console.log is your friend here.

7. Vanilla Selectors

  • Create a vanilla Javascript selector to select the following:
  • <section id='vanilla'>I really like artificial vanilla flavour</section>
  • Console.log the interior content of this tag.

8. jQuery Selectors

  • Create a jQuery Javascript selector to select the following:
  • <article id='strawberry'>I really like strawberry milkshakes from McDonalds!</article>
  • Console.log the interior content of this tag.

9. Functions!

  • Create a re-usable function that performs a square root operation on a number.
  • You will need at least one argument for your function.
  • You will need the Math object here as well.

10. Story Time!

  • Create a function that tells a story.
  • It should feel like mad-libs.
  • It should accept at least 5 arguments.
  • The return of this function should be a story.
  • You should use only string types.

11. Constructors

  • Constructors are essentially classes/blueprints for Javascript.
  • Create a re-usable constructor for bands
  • bands have members, names, date formed, and albums.
  • They also have an onTour attribute as well.
  • Use this constructor to create three of your favourite bands!

12. The Functions Strike Back!

  • It is a dark time for the Ruby Rebellion.
  • Javascript is on the rise.
  • Even though you haven't used it, developers use Backbone.js to create models on the client side.
  • Backbone models can get() and set() properties (similar to Ruby Classes).
  • Create two functions that mimics model.get and model.set for an object.
  • These functions will be abilities on an object called model. Attributes store properties.


  • Use jQuery to create an $.ajax request that gets JSON.
  • You will get JSON from Chicago public data.
  • Console.log the output.
  • Create a success and error function that log out information.
  • You do not need to get very detailed; this is a basic function that just fetches and logs out all the data.


  • Create an $.ajax request that fetches your favourite movie from OMDB.
  • In the success function, you need to console.log five attributes about the movie.
  • In the error function, you need to console.log that 'an error has occured. sorry!'

15. Return of the Functions

  • Create a function that draws a rectangle on a canvas element.
  • This function should accept arguments for height, width, and colour.
  • Return a successfully draw rectangle using Canvas.

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