Sinatra Pair Programming Lab

Build it together! In a new repository called sinatra_coupons

  1. You're going to build a Coupon application using Sinatra MVC
  2. You'll need a database!
  3. And a table for Coupons attributes like title, description, product, discount_price, expiration_date
  4. You'll also need to create a migrations.sql file.
  5. Now, using ActiveRecord and Sinatra - create an MVC app that lists out all of the coupons. You should be able to get all Coupons and create new coupons (updating and deleting are a bonus). You will need forms! You will need ERB loops!
  6. Utilize controllers to accomplish this!


  • You should have an ApplicationController, and CouponsController
  • You'll also need a Coupon Model

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