MOAR REPS with Sinatra's Songs

We need moar reps. Let's run through our process again! Pick a random partner in the class (someone you haven't worked with before) and create a new Github repository called sinatras_songs. You're going to pair program to create an application called sinatra_songs.

  1. We need a database to store songs!
  2. Songs have artist and title. Perhaps even a release_year?
  3. Let's create a Songs table to store them.
  4. Now that we know this works, create a migrations that store the connection/creation information regarding our database.
  5. Once our database is all set, create an application in Sinatra!
  6. This application should render all of the songs in our table on a page.
  7. Utilize Models (and ActiveRecord) and Views (ERB) to render them out!

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