Drawing on the Web

CSS & Selectors

  • Create and use Javascript selectors
  • Define the difference between an ID and a Class
  • Draw out the Cascading waterfall model of CSS
  • Understand what a psuedo selector is
  • Implement :active, :hover, :nth-child()

Vanilla JS Selection

  • Learn how to manipulate HTML and CSS using Javascript!
  • Select DOM elements with document.querySelector()
  • Create a DOM element using Javascript using document.createElement()
  • Modify DOM elements using Javascript
  • Understand how to define an object and use it as an argument in a function

Outcomes with Amy (2:00pm to 3:15pm)

You will work with Amy on your outcomes programming! You will learn to create your very own elevator pitch.

Introduction to Canvas

  • Understand how to create a Canvas element
  • Use the coordinate system (and Chrome DevTools)
  • Draw on the web using Canvas
  • Create a random number generator

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