Homework: MOAR SERVERS!@!@!@1212


  1. It is time to build the cutest server ever - the small_animals server! Place this in a new folder in 04_ruby101/your_name/ called small_animals
  2. Create a brand new, small Sinatra app. Check out the Simplest Sinatra app, ever above for guidance.
  3. Write a simple Sinatra app with a Gemfile, config.ru, and app.rb
  4. Inside of your app.rb, you need to create a few routes...
    • '/' - This should return a Hash turned into JSON with the following keys: :name and :message
    • Five different routes mapped to the names of small animals - ie /kitten and /puppy
    • These five different routes should return a hash turned JSON with the following keys: :name, :cuteness, :habitat, :picture_url, and :description
  5. Test and verify these routes render JSON in the browser.
  6. BONUS: Add ERB views and then create a new /views/json_test.erb. Map it to a router and call each API call using $.getJSON or $.ajax to render the content using console.log or whatever else you choose.
  7. BONUS: You can use each animal route's :picture_url to render images as a double bonus!

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