Models and SQL FAQ

Table Names in SQL

  • Should be plural! :)
  • yelp_reviews

What is a Migrations file?

  • It is a general SQL file
  • Contains how to CREATE database, connect to database, and CREATE tables.
  • Meant for re-use in deploying and creating databases and tables on any computer
  • Located in db\migrations.sql

What is a seeding file?

  • Seeding file (db\seed.sql) is designed to populate a database with dummy or test data
  • In production environments, we use real data.
  • LOTS of INSERT INTO statements.

What is ActiveSupport (in relation to ActiveRecord)?

  • It is a set of tools bundled into a library of classes.
  • Written for Rails 3.
  • ActiveSupport allows ActiveRecord to talk to Rake commands.

What is the difference between ActiveRecord and Sinatra-ActiveRecord Gems?

  • One gem is designed 100% with Sinatra in mind.
  • One gem is for Rails only.
  • When using Rake for Sinatra, we need ActiveRecord to communicate for lost functionality in Sinatra-ActiveRecord

Where does my database's information physically live?

  • /usr/local/var/postgres
  • Do not edit this at all!

Process for Setting up Databases on Servers

  • Manually creating a database using a migration file.
  • Populating that database with a seed file.
  • OR use Rake, Gulp, or something similar.

What are naming conventions?

  • SQL names should be in snake_case
  • Models name should be UpperCamelCase
    • This is because Ruby classes are capitalized
  • Binding a table to a name!
  • table_name correlates to TableName in Ruby
  • If this does not work and your table cannot be located....
class TableName < ActiveRecord::Base
  #specify the actual table's name
  self.table_name = 'table_name'
  # snakesssss
  #self.table_name = 'snakeesss'

What is a migrations.sql file?

\c some_name
CREATE TABLE yelp_reviews;

ActiveRecord Class for this...

class YelpReview < ActiveRecord::Base

Mapping a Table to ActiveRecord Naturally

  • First, we create a table in some database.
  • In our case, yelp_reviews is our table name.
  • ActiveRecord Models should map up to the name of our table.
  • For example...
  • Our model will be called YelpReview
  • If this does not work, use the self.table_name fix above.
  • Models should not be plural
  • ActiveRecord tries to map a singular model name to a plural (or singular) table name.

Reserved names

  • These protect software from users
  • Especially so nothing can internally be overwritten
  • Google-fu reserved words (ie: user)

Naming Conventions

  • Model UserAccountsModel (C#, Java, Django)
  • Model UserAccount (Rails)

Naming Files

  • Models should be name_of_model.rb
  • For our YelpReview model...
  • yelpreview.rb

ActiveRecord's SQL Counterparts

How to connect to a Database


  :database => 'our_db_name',
  :adapter => 'postgresql'

Without ActiveRecord

require 'pg'
conn = => 'test')
res  = conn.exec('SELECT 1 AS a, 2 AS b, NULL AS c')

Escaping Characters

To escape apostrophes within your string, just type another one before it. For example, Doc B''s

results matching ""

    No results matching ""