Homework - Class Reps

Tonight we're going to have you repeatedly build classes over and over. The primary goal is for you to become familiar with building classes. We're going to take what you have learned to build a few amazing utilities that you can use once we build servers tomorrow!

1. Movie Class

  • Build a class called Movie.
  • You are not allowed to use attr_accessor with this class.
  • This means that you need to build manual getters/setters!
  • This class has the following attributes as @instance_variables:
    • @movie_title
    • @movie_description
    • @ombb_url
  • This class has the following abilities:
    • set_ombd_url with a single argument of url that will set @omdb_url
    • get_omdb_url that returns @ombd_url
    • fetch_movie that uses HTTParty.get with the @url to receive data. Next, it will update @movie_title and @movie_description with
    • to_s that returns the @movie_title & @movie_description as a string.
  • Test these methods to verify they work in your code.
  • Note: Don't forget to require 'HTTParty' in your code!
  • Save this in a file called movie_class.rb

2. Dictionary Class

  • Build a class called Dictionary
  • You are not allowed to use attr_acessor with this class.
  • This means that you need to build manual getters/setters!
  • This class has the following attributes as @instance_variables:
    • @internal_hash
  • This class has the following abilities:
    • get_dictionary that returns @internal_hash
    • add that accepts two arguments: :key and value. You will then add these to your @internal_hash
    • to_s that returns the @internal_hash as a string (consider using .each here)
    • to_json that returns the @internal_hash as a JSON object.
  • Note: Don't forget to require 'json' in your code!
  • Test these methods to verify they work in your code.
    • Add a 404 key with a value of womp womp - the page doesn't exist
    • Add a 403 key with a value of DENIED ACCESS
    • Add a 500 key with a value of SERVER ERROR OH NOES
    • Output the Dictionary as JSON using the method you built.
  • Save this in a file called dictionary_class.rb

3. RUPS Class

  • Build a class called Rups
  • You are allowed to use attr_accessor in this class!
  • Turn all of your homeworks' methods last night into individual methods that your Rups class owns.
  • Add instance variables as needed here (you may or may not need them depending on how you build your class)
  • Test and verify all of your methods work.
  • Save this in a file called rups_class.rb

To get you started...

class Rups

  def lengths(argument)
    # some code...


results matching ""

    No results matching ""