Box Model and Positioning


  • Describe the difference between inline, block, and inline-block display
  • Adjust element spacing using padding and margin
  • Float elements
  • Explain static, relative, fixed, and absolute positioning
  • Lay out pages and use z-index

Display types

The display property controls how an element is placed and spaced on a page.

  • display: block - Gives an element width, height, and its own space in the flow of the document
  • display: inline - The element will render alongside other inline elements. The element stays within and the document flow.
  • display: inline-block - Gives the element dimensions and the ability to position itself like a block element but will render like an inline element.

Box model

  • padding is the amount of space inside of an element (between the content of the element and its border)
  • margin is the spacing outside of an element. Like an invisible field that stops other elements from getting within a certain distance of an element
  • border counts toward the width of an element in the standard box model.

PRO TIP: Set box-sizing: border-box on an element to have it render using Internet Explorer's box model which makes a lot more sense than the standard.

In the standard box model adding padding and/or borders to an element will increase its width. In the border-box (or IE) model padding and borders do no increase an element's width.


  • static is the standard positioning every element gets. You never declare an element to have static positioning (unless you have a really good reason to which you won't - I haven't seen any reason in 8 years of professional front-end development)
  • relative positioning allows you to move an element from it's initial position relative to where it would have been positioned originally using static positioning
  • fixed positioning will glue the element to the browser window at the coordinates you set and will not move when scrolling
  • absolute positioning is like fixed but the element won't stick to the screen when scrolling like fixed positioned elements

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