1.1 Introduction to WDI / Web Development

Example Standup



  • Help each other; you're in this together!
  • Build relationships! You never know who may help you land a job.

Lab: Transforming your Laptop!

  • Create a Github account
  • Create a Heroku account
  • Turn your laptop into a developer machine!
  • Verify that your computer is ready for WDI!

Lesson: Culture of WDI

  • Build a relationship and form community together
  • Set reasonable expectations and ground rules
  • Understand the curriculum arc and how to succeed in an immersive course
  • Establish class values and collectively commit to owning the WDI experience

Lesson: Basic Terminal + Navigating the File System

  • Summarize a basic file system structure
  • Use commands to navigate and modify files and directories
  • Differentiate between the GUI and CLI
  • Here is a link to the slide deck from class - use the left and right arrows to navigate forward and backward.


Workshop Time:

  • Star Wars, the Command Line, and The Battle for the Fate of the Universe


Tonight's homework is to read chapters 1 & 2 from Eloquent Javascript (http://eloquentjavascript.net/). These chapters should introduce the concepts of variables and types as well as programming structure in Javascript. This book is available for free entirely online (though you may purchase a physical copy).

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