Star Wars, the Command Line, and The Battle for the Fate of the Universe

Working in the command line is a key skill to develop as a programmer. It's a big break from what you're used to, and practice makes (eventually) perfect. Let's explore the Star Wars narrative using the command line.

Note: Each file (not directory/folder) you create should be a text file. This means the file will end with the extension of *.txt. For example: jimbo_jones.txt

"A New Hope"

Act I
  • In your Ravenclaw directory, create a directory called star_wars
  • In your star_wars folder, create two new directories: empire and rebellion.
  • Inside the empire directory, create a .txt file called darth_vader
  • Use the force(or your knowledge of the command line) to add the text "...heavy breathing..." to the darth_vader file. (Don't remember how to do this? Use the 'other force', known as Google or Stack Overflow)
  • Inside the empire directory, create a .txt file called emperor_palpatine.
  • Inside the empire directory, create a directory called death_star
  • Move darth_vader into the death_star
Act II
  • Move back to your star_wars directory, and enter the rebellion directory
  • Create a file called princess_leia and add the text 'Help me, Obi-Wan...You're my only hope.'
  • Create a file called obi_wan
  • Create a file called luke_skywalker
  • Create a directory called millenium_falcon
  • Inside the millenium_falcon, create two files: han_solo and chewy
  • Move luke_skywalker, obi-wan, and princess_leia into the millenium_falcon
  • Move the millenium_falcon into the death_star
  • Unload the Millenium Falcon! Move the whole crew from the millenium_falcon directory into the death_star directory
  • Darth_vader has defeated obi_wan! Delete poor obi_wan
  • Our heroes have disabled the tractor beam! Move the whole crew back into the millenium_falcon!
  • Move the millenium_falcon back into the rebellion directory
  • darth_vader leaves the death_star to pursue Luke! Move him from the death_star into the empire directory!
  • Thanks to his practice back home at Beggar's Canyon, Luke blew up the death star! Remove it from the galaxy!
  • You win!

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