Mongo & Importing JSON to a Database

Console w/MongoDB

  • To allow connections to your MongoDB database (such as applications needing to connect or Mongoose...), run sudo mongod. Think of it as mongod oversees MongoDB.
  • To connect to the MongoDB terminal (similar to psql), enter the mongo command.

Console commands

  • help: Show help.
  • Show help for database methods.
  • db.<collection>.help(): Show help on collection methods. The can be the name of an existing collection or a non-existing collection.
  • show dbs: Print a list of all databases on the server.
  • use <db>: Switch current database to . The mongo shell variable db is set to the current database.
  • show collections: Print a list of all collections for current database
  • show users: Print a list of users for current database.
  • show roles: Print a list of all roles, both user-defined and built-in, for the current database.
  • show profile: Print the five most recent operations that took 1 millisecond or more.
  • show databases: No description needed.

Import JSON into a database

# mongoimport --db <databaseName> --collection <collectionName> <jsonFile.json> --jsonArray
mongoimport --db britney --collection songs britney.json --jsonArray

Only use the -jsonArray flag if you are importing an array of objects! Otherwise, you don't need it!

results matching ""

    No results matching ""