
Welcome from your instructors

Hi there! You've no doubt stumbled upon our class Gitbook. This book will be our living syllabus. It will grow and become a true study guide throughout the duration of your cohort.


WDI requires for you to complete https://fundamentals.generalassemb.ly prior to the first day of WDI. If you have not completed this by day one, speak to your producer or instructor immediately.

Recommend Reading

Prior to starting the course, we highly encourage students to take a look at Shaye Howe's (product manager at Belly) Learn HTML & CSS book (it is available for free here). Try to read the first three chapters prior to starting class; however read as much as you have time for.

Development Environment

WDI has a strict class policy of only supporting Mac OS. Because we teach Ruby and Node, we cannot allow Windows machines into the class as many Ruby libraries will not work on Windows. Linux machines may be considered on a case-by-case basis if a student has a strong knowledge of the Linux command line however the instructional staff will not support those machines.

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