Required Software

WDI requires specific software to use in class. We do this so each student is using the same development environment as each other. Please install the following software during orientation (or prior to class start). It is best to install each item in the order they are listed (otherwise errors will occur).

If you run into any problems installing this software, please alert an instructor or your producer.


  • What: A set of development tools created by Apple that allow for users to write applications.
  • Why: WDI requires that we
  • Instructions: On newer versions of OS X, search the Mac App Store for XCode and download/install it (it is free). On older versions that do not have the Mac App Store, you will need to create a free Apple account and download it at Once you install XCode, please open it and accept the EULA (feel free to close the app once you complete this).

Atom Text Editor

  • What: A modern day, open source text editor.
  • Why: It was created by the team at Github, is open source, it is free, and is a fantastic text editor for multiple languages.
  • Instructions: Visit to download Atom. Drag/drop the application to your Mac application folder (and pin it to your dock). We use this every single day in WDI.

Sublime Text Editor

  • What: One of the best paid text editors available.
  • Why: There is an extensive plugin library available and Sublime is hands down awesome.
  • Instructions: Sublime is installed with the InstallFest Script. In terminal, run subl filename.txt to open a file.

Google Chrome

  • What: A web browser.
  • Why: We rely on specific Google Chrome extensions in WDI and it provides the best toolset for developers in a web browser given the learning curve. The tools are stable and consistent between Windows, Mac, and Linux so your core environment never changes.
  • Instructions: Use Safari to download Google Chrome at


  • What: A package manager for command line tools on OS X.
  • Why: It is the easiest package manager to use on OS X for newbies to get started with.
  • Instructions: Visit and follow the instructions on the website. It will ask you to copy/paste a command to paste and run in That's it!

Slack Chat

  • What: A modern day IRC-like chat client.
  • Why: GA as a company uses Slack to communicate with staff and students.
  • Instructions: Browse to and download/install Slack. Sign in to the ga-students team that you have been invited to.

Required Chrome Extensions


  • What: Software that allows you to communicate directly with servers.
  • Why: It is arguably the best app that handles this with a GUI.
  • Instructions: Browse to and download the Chrome Extension.



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