Understand what problem React.js solves

React was designed to solve the problem of breaking front-end design elements into self-contained components. Let's take a look at what this means to us as developers. Before we can begin solving a problem, we need to see that problem first hand.

[Groupwork] Break into groups of 3-4 and make use of your graph paper! We're going to wireframe a simple 'coming soon' website.

Coming Soon: React

  • In a group of 3-4, wireframe a coming soon website for an upcoming product, film, or an event.
  • Create two to three key elements on a coming soon page. One of this will likely be a signup form. What else could there be?
  • Once you design your wireframe, split the webpage into individual design components (also known as views).
  • Each team member should work to describe each component's attributes and abilities.

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