Second Pass Friday

Topics Covered Under Front End Fundamentals

  • Really basic introduction to JS
  • Data Types (such as number, string, etc)
  • Logic and Control Flow (loops, if/else, etc)
  • Developer Tools - Console and the Elements
  • Brief introduction to Node.js and the REPL
  • Functions - void vs returning things
  • Syntax syntax syntax - fucking tab, for fucks sake <3
  • Block scope very very very very briefly { }
  • Arrays - push, pop, shift, unshift, reverse, length, etc.
  • Loops: For, .forEach(), for (var x in ...), while() { ... }
  • Objects! Everything is an Object. var something = {};
  • Truthy/falsey and comparison operators: == === !=
  • typeof - checking types!
  • parseInt, parseFloat, .toUpperCase, .toLowerCase
  • User input: alert(), confirm(), prompt()
  • Git, Github, repositories, how to commit
  • Practiced so much Github, soo soo much
  • CSS (SKIN)
  • JS (Muscle)
  • Canvas Elements
  • Drawing content on pages using JS + CSS
  • How to talk and control the DOM using document.querySelector and other DOM elements in the document object
  • CSS Waterfall Model (Cascading)
  • CSS Positioning (a teeny tiny bit)
  • Basic style properties *

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