Wireframe wtfbbq

This week we're going to build the wtfbbq application. This application will allow you to log in to a website. From there, you will be able to view, add, update, and remove ingredients. Feel free to get creative.

We're going to build out wireframes for this application. To get started, we need to think about the views that our project needs. By now, you should have created (but maybe not designed) the following views:

  • Account Registration
  • Account Login
  • Account Maintenance

Whatever you are unable to finish this morning should be completed during workshop time this afternoon.

Wireframe #1: Account Registration

This wireframe must contain the following fields on a registration view:


  • User's email
  • User's password
  • User's password (confirmation)
  • Submit Box

Upon submission, a user will either be auto-logged in + welcomed or warned that some sort of registration error occured. We need two additional views for these:

Successfully Registered:

  • Congrats! Welcome abord message.
  • A redirect link to their shopping list page.

Error when Registering

  • Something went wrong!
  • Try registering again!
  • A link back to the registration page

Wireframe #2: Login

Pretty much the same requirements as the registration, minus the double-password confirmation.


  • User's email
  • User's password
  • Submit Box

Successfully Logged In:

  • Congrats! Welcome back message.
  • A redirect link to their shopping list page.

Error when Logging in

  • Something went wrong!
  • Try logging in again!
  • A link back to the login page

Wireframe #3: Shopping List

We are going to need a few views for our shopping list. Those are:

A List All View for Shopping Items:

  • A table of all shopping items
  • Each row has the name and quantity of each item
  • Each row also has a button/icon to update or delete an item.
  • There is also a create button on the page that allows users to add new shopping items.
  • There should also be a location on the page that shows the user a message (such as 'item added successfully!' or 'item deleted successfully!').

Create Shopping Item:

  • A form to add a shopping item by name and quantity
  • A submit button that adds the item

Confirm Deletion of Shopping Item:

  • A form to confirm deletion of an item with the name and quantity of it.
  • A submit button that deletes the item

Update Shopping Item:

  • A form to update a shopping item by name and quantity
  • A submit button that updates the item's information

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