Everything is an Object

Homework Recap

  • Recap last night's homework (the Ruby Rups!)


  • Describe what an Object is and how it differs from a JS Objects
  • Define what object properties and methods are
  • Write a getter to retrieve a property's value
  • Write a setter to set a property's value
  • Understand that everything is an object – including abstract things, basic data types, and objects we make up ourselves
  • Understand that an object's properties are only accessible if there's a getter method – an object can have information inside we aren't able to access
  • Demonstrate & explain instantiation
Slide Deck

Methods in Depth

  • Write a method that takes no parameters
  • Write a method that takes multiple necessary parameters
  • Write a method that takes optional parameters

Blueprinting Objets with Classes and Inheritance

  • Understand how classes inherit from other classes
  • Describe how inheritance works with Object-oriented programming
  • Describe what a base class is
  • Describe what a child class is
Interactive Class example

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