Loops, Arrays, and HTML/CSS

Loops (again)

  • Describe how a loop works
  • Use a standard for loop with an iterator
  • Use a for-in loop with collections
  • Describe the difference between these types of loops


  • Describe key-value pair storage
  • Utilize key-value storage
  • Access and assign values in an object
  • Iterate through an object

Re-Introduction to HTML & CSS

  • Understand what the DOM is
  • Understand and apply the CSS Cascade
  • Create and style a web page


Every HTML file should be thought of as a document. HTML is a markup language. Markup languages describe content - they don't take input or return output like programming languages do.

The DOM stands for the Document Object Model. It's your browser's interpretation of the code you wrote. Your browser may interpret your HTML differently than how you wrote it. This article explains it better than I did in class.

The pre-work covered HTML and CSS and you guys are clearly very familiar with it so here's a simple HTML/CSS/JavaScript playground you can use to test your skills:

  • Use CSS to change the colors and sizes of text and other elements on the page
  • Add a title to the top of the page in HTML
  • Use JavaScript to loop over the posts array and output the front page of an example blog


Here is a brief slide deck from a prior cohort that was used as a study guide: https://presentations.generalassemb.ly/68229ab5327ec68f5a2d#/

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