

  • Differentiate between true, false, 'truth-y', and 'false-y'
  • Use if/else if/else conditionals to control program flow based on boolean conditions
  • Use switch conditionals to control program flow based on explicit conditions
  • Use comparison operators to evaluate and compare statements
  • Use boolean logic (!, &&, ||) to combine and manipulate conditionals

Boolean Logic, Revisited

There are a few quirks and exceptions with boolean logic that we've (until now) glossed over, especially related to boolean logic. Let's take a closer look at some of them.

  • We'll start with undefined and null values. These two values represent a lack of data.
  • Next, we will dive into truthy and falsey - the result of Javascript's attempt to convert non-boolean values to booleans at runtime.
  • Finally: a challenge!


You've just opened a Javascript console. You want to define a new variable but aren't sure what the value is just yet.

var someData;

Without assigning a value to a variable, that variable becomes undefined. We can see this in real time:


If we want to check to see if our variable is infact undefined, we may do so. Checking to see is a variable is undefined is important. It allows for you to verify that something exists before you use it (and thus keep from throwing errors).

if (someData == undefined) {
  console.log('No definition found');
  someData = 'We are now assigning a value.';

We can also check for undefined using typeof()! This is because undefined is an Object that is immutable. If you'd like to learn more you should read [Mozilla's MDN entry for Undefined].

// we need a new variable...
var anotherData;
if (typeof(anotherData) == 'undefined') {
  console.log('No definition found');


Null values are values that you decide have no value. But why would I want to do this? Why not use undefined? As it turns out, we can't - variables in JavaScript are only undefined until they've been assigned a variable for the first time. null gives us a way to 'reset' the value of a variable to nothing.

Here's an example. Suppose you have an application for keeping track of your things. You might have a string called locationOfKeys which indicates where your keys are. Then, one day, your keys get lost. What's the value of locationOfKeys now? Well, it's 'nothing' - they're lost. If null didn't exist, we would have to invent a special string value (perhaps "lost") to signify that the keys are missing. null gives us a standard way of handling that kind of situation where we can simply say locationOfKeys = null;

That's the purpose of null. It is designed to represent the lack of a value. Whenever variables are defined without any value, they are undefined. This can become tricky to troubleshoot over time and it is a catch-all for everything without a value. We can specficy our variables as null to represent there is no data.

// we will define a variable with no value, or null
var playerScore = null;

We can then evaluate if our value is null:

playerScore == null // 'The player has not scored anything.'

What if we are provided with a user's input to represent a player's actions on a timed game? In Dance, Dance, Revolution a player must perform an action at a precise interval. It streams a set of commands a player must dance to. These are timed to music. The actions stream across the screen and as they pass by the middle of the screen the player must perform an action (or they don't score a point). The game can evaluate the player's score in real time!

var userInput = null;
userInput == null // no points.. this time

'falsey' / 'truthy'

We've seen in the first few lessons that some operators can behave differently depending on the kind of values that they are operating on. For example, in the expression 1 + 2 + 3 + 4, the + operator is performing addition; however, in the expression 'Happy birthday, ' + 'Tom', the + operator is working with strings, so it performs a concatenation instead.

Another example of this is the logical operators NOT(!), OR (||), and AND (&&); although they're primarily used with boolean values, they can also accept inputs that are strings, numbers... pretty much anything. When this happens, the logical operators categorize their inputs as being either 'falsey' and 'truthy'. But what do these words mean?

  • To be falsey means that boolean operators act in mostly the same way that they would if the value was false. For instance, using ! (NOT) on a "falsey" value will evaluate to true, just as if you'd written !false. The "falsey" category of values includes: the number 0, empty strings (''), null, and undefined. false is, of course, also "falsey".

  • Being truthy is exactly the opposite of being falsey; using ! (NOT) on a "truthy" value would evaluate to false. Anything that isn't "falsey" is "truthy", including all strings, all non-zero numbers, and (of course) true.

As they say, "to a hammer (read: boolean operator), everything looks like a nail (read: boolean value)".

Below are the exact rules that the boolean operators follow when dealing with non-boolean input values.

'Falsey' 'Truthy'
false true
0 All numbers except 0, including 'Infinity' (what you get after dividing by 0)
Empty strings ('') All non-empty strings
Undefined, Null, and NaN ('Not A Number', a special type of numeric value) Pretty much everything else

In JavaScript, the boolean operators !, ||, and && follow the rules below to determine how to behave.

  • NOT: If the input is "truthy", return false; if the input is "falsey", return true.
  • OR: Return the first "truthy" value; if both values are "falsey", return the last "falsey" value.
  • AND: Return the first "falsey" value; if both values are "truthy", return the last "truthy" value.

Test Yourself

Can you predict how the following expressions will be evaluated? Check your answers in repl.it.

  • 1 || true
  • 3 || null
  • !('')
  • false && undefined
  • true && !0
  • null || 3

One of the most common use cases of this is when you're not sure if a variable has been assigned a value. Suppose that x represents some input that you've gotten from a user. If the user hasn't given any input, x might be null.

To compensate for this, we might write the expression x = x || 10;. If x has some 'truthy' value, the OR operator will evaluate to x, so it would be as if we wrote x = x. However, if x were null, the OR operator would evaluate to 10 (because null is 'falsey'). It's as if we've said "If x doesn't already have a value assigned, set it equal to 10". For that reason, this kind of operation is often called 'conditional assignment'.

In-Class Examples

// let us play truth or false
// this is a silly spin on truth or dare

// false: falsey
if (false === false) {
  console.log('false is falsey');
} else {
  console.log('false is truthy');

// 0: ???
if (0) {
  console.log('0 is true');
} else {
  console.log('0 is false');
// true: ???
if (true) {
  console.log('true is true');
} else {
  console.log('true is false');
// any number except 0: ???
if (42) {
  console.log('42 is true');
} else {
  console.log('42 is false');
// any empty string: ??? - ex: ''
if ("") {
  console.log('empty string is true');
} else {
  console.log('empty string is false');
// any non-empty string: ???
if ("sadf;lasljasdljflasd") {
  console.log('string is true');
} else {
  console.log('string is false');
// undefined: ???
if (undefined) {
  console.log('undefined is true');
} else {
  console.log('undefined is false');

var commitFromLastNight; // undefined
var tolerance = null;

// null: ???
if (null) {
  console.log('null is true');
} else {
  console.log('null is false');

// NaN: ???
if (NaN) {
  console.log('NaN is true');
} else {
  console.log('NaN is false');

results matching ""

    No results matching ""