Homework Repository

All course homework will be stored in this repository:

Homework Submission

  1. Browse to wdi/wdi_chi_ravenclaw
  2. git add . all of your changes to the Git purgatory.
  3. git commit -m "your commit message" to commit your changes from the Git purgatory into your branch.
  4. git pull upstream master to gather any changes from the base repository
  5. git push origin master to push your changes to your own fork!
  6. Inside of your fork, create a new pull request.
  7. Submit the pull request for your instructors to check!

That's all! We will practice this workflow during class repeatedly to get you comfortable with it.

Homework Submission Deadline

Homework must be submitted via pull request no later than Midnight CST. Any work submitted past this deadline will not be counted.

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