Introduction to Gulp

Wouldn't it be nice if there was a way to convert ES6 to code every browser can support? Of course! Wouldn't it be cool if you could include module support from Node in client side code? Certainly. What could do this sort of magic for us? Gulp Tasks!

By the end of this tutorial, you will understand:

  • What Gulp is and what it can do
  • How to install Gulp on your computer
  • How to write a Gulp task and run it
  • How to add use additional modules with Gulp

What is Gulp?

  • Gulp is a software built on Node.
  • It runs tasks that manipulate files on your system.
  • It is an active, open-source project.
  • There are many community-built plugins built to work directly with gulp.
  • It is commonly used for bundling, minificiation, and ES6 support.
  • Grunt is a popular alternative to Gulp.

Installing Gulp

To install Gulp, we should have a Node.js environment prepared. If you do not have one, you should visit to learn more.

  1. You'll want to install gulp globally. You can do this by running the npm install gulp -g command.
  2. This states that we want to use npm to install the gulp package globally (for any project to use).
  3. Gulp requires that we store our tasks in a gulpfile.js. This should be in the same directory as your package.json.
  4. We also need to include gulp in our project. To do that, we will run npm install gulp --save-dev.
  5. Now, we should run gulp!
  6. Oh no - we ran into a problem.
Using gulpfile ~/path/to/gulpfile.js
Task 'default' is not in your gulpfile
Please check the documentation for proper gulpfile formatting

Let's solve this problem by defining a Gulp task.

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