SQL: Twitter Migrations

Below is an example of a migrations.sql. It models out Twitter.


  • SQL keywords: UPPER CASE
  • names (identifiers): lower_case_with_underscore
  • #comments in sql
  • You create a table via stating create table!
  • You then give it a name in snake_case
  • You then have a set of parameters inside of ()
  • Inside you declare_name SQLTYPE() for names of things and the SQL datatype
  • Example:
  • CREATE TABLE some_table_name_snake_case (id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, some_value varchar(255));


#1 create db

#2 connect to db
\c twitter

#3 create tables
CREATE TABLE users (id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, name varchar(255), password varchar(255), email varchar(255));

CREATE TABLE tweets(id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, user_id integer, tweet varchar(140));

Adding A New Feature!

  1. The fine folks at Twitter want you to add a new feature to their platform!
  2. You are to add targeted_ads to their platform!
  3. targeted_ads has a few properties...
    • A primary key
    • A string value of ad_name
    • A string value of ad_text
    • A numerical value of total_unique_views
  4. Add this table to your migrations.sql after testing to verify it works!

Oh snap! It is a hit! Time to add another feature!

  1. Twitter now wants to support emoji!
  2. You are to add emoji to their platform!
  3. emoji has a few properties...
    • A primary key
    • A string value of emoji_name
    • A string value of emoji_value
    • A numerical value of total_uses_of_all_time
    • A Boolean value of is_enabled... for those seasonal emoji!
  4. Add this table to your migrations.sql after testing to verify it works!

results matching ""

    No results matching ""