Sinatra Walkthrough guide

Database Design

  • We're going to draw out ERD (Entity Reference Diagrams)
  • Create a db\migrations.sql file.
    • \c db_name
  • Populate database with test OR production data. We do this with a db\seed.sql file.
    • Lots of INSERT INTO statements!

Creating a Sinatra Application

  • We need some files, right?
  •, Gemfile
  • What folders?
  • helpers, db, models, views, public, and controllers

Adding Models

  • Create a model!
  • models\name_of_model.rb
  • Now, require it in our

How do we add controllers?

  1. Controllers need to be in a /controllers folder.
  2. Name each controller after the resource it represents (hint: ActiveRecord Model names == Controller names)
  3. The controller class should be ResourcenameController
  4. /controllers/resource.rb
  5. Each controller should inherit from ApplicationController
  6. In our, we need to:
    • require the controller - require './controllers/resource'
    • require any model (or helpers) the controller needs
    • map a resource (route) to a controller - map('/resource') { run ResourcenameController }

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