Technical Requirements

Your app must:

  • Render a game in the browser
  • Switch turns between two players or more (or defend why you are not)
  • Design logic for winning & visually display which player won
  • Include separate HTML / CSS / JavaScript files
  • Stick with KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) and DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principles
  • Use Javascript or jQuery for DOM manipulation
  • Deploy your game online, where the rest of the world can access it
  • Use semantic markup for HTML and CSS (adhere to best practices)

Necessary Deliverables

These are what you will be graded on!

  • A working game, built by you, hosted somewhere on the internet
  • A link to your hosted working game in the URL section of your Github repo. This must be placed inside of in a folder called project1. It will then be accessible via
  • A git repository hosted on Github, with a link to your hosted game, and frequent commits dating back to the very beginning of the project. We strongly encourage you to work our of the repository
  • A file with explanations of the technologies used, the approach taken, installation instructions, unsolved problems, etc.

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