Front End Recap Quiz

  1. List all traditional data types in Javascript.
  2. Objects are what type of storage? They use :. Explain how this works.
  3. What is a function called when it is owned by an Object?
  4. Describe what CSS is used for.
  5. Explain the difference between a class and ID in CSS.
  6. What is an attribute in an HTML tag? Provide an example.
  7. Using Vanilla JS, what is the event that is triggered when all content on a page has loaded?
  8. What is jQuery and how is it useful?
  9. Describe a scenario where using jQuery makes no sense.
  10. How would you select a DOM element using both vanilla JS and jQuery if it were an article with an ID of 'win'.
  11. How do you organize a project folder to separate scripts & styles?
  12. Explain block scope. This can also be referred to as lexical scoping.
  13. What is a boilerplate? Why would you use one?
  14. When using a constructor to instantiate something, what is the data type that is created?
  15. Describe Git in your own words.

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