Installing MongoDB


To install MongoDB, we need to install it and create a folder for the database. We've provided an automated install script here:

Annotated version of the script

echo -e "*** Hi! This script will install MongoDB."
echo -e "You could be asked for your admin password up to four times."
# update homebrew
brew update
# use homebrew to install
echo -e "Installing MongoDB"
sudo brew install mongodb -Y
# create the mongodb swap directory
echo -e "Creating the MongoDB directory..."
sudo mkdir -p /data/db
# set read/write permissions for this directory to root
echo -e "Setting Permissions to the /data/* directory for MongoDB"
sudo chmod -777 /data/*
# start mongodb!
echo -e "Starting Mongod..."
sudo mongod

If you run into any problems during installation, please refer to this document:

Starting MongoDB

To start mongodb, simply run the following command: sudo mongod. Use CTRL-C to stop the service.

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