2.2 From Wireframe to Production

The theme of today's class will be learning how to compose a website from scratch. We'll discuss a variety of standards to help build a layout. We'll then explore how to build wireframes, what to look out for, and consider a few examples from live websites. Finally, we'll build our own wireframe and by the evening we'll build out a basic layout.


Learning Objectives
  • Understand what a CSS pre-processor is
  • Understand a strong use case for a CSS pre-processor
  • Use Sass to include variables in your CSS
  • Watch for changes in your Sass files and compile them to CSS


Advanced CSS Review

Let's review all the things from yesterday!



DOM Manipulation and Events

We are going to dive right in to modifying the DOM based on user input.

Learning Objectives
  • Select DOM elements using Document.querySelector()
  • Listen for user input with events
    • Mouse Input
    • Touch Input
    • Keyboard Input
  • Modify DOM elements as a reaction to events
  • Discuss Mutable vs Immutable


Lab: Wireframes and Mockups

Learning Objectives
  • Understand the need for wireframes, mockups and MVPs
  • Create your own wireframe for a two-column layout
  • Polish a mockup after wireframe is completed
  • Describe which wireframe elements will be DOM elements

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