Style Guide & Fonts

Rule of Thumb for Style Guides

Note that every style guide is unique. This is just a good starting point.

  • Headline Text: 300%
    • B-Head (sub) text: 150%
    • Nav Item: 100%
    • Body copy (text): 100% - starting point could be body { font-size: 16px }
  • Byline: 75%

Examples with Sass variables

  • 1rem = 100%
  • rem is responsive and related to the root of the page.
// style guide variables

$headline-text: 3rem; // 300%
$body-text: 1rem;   // 100%
$nav-item: 1.25rem; // 125%
$sub-header: 1.50rem; // 150%
$byline: 0.75rem; // 75%

body {
  font-size: 16px;

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