Full Stack from scratch

Time for us to build a guide.... a comprehensive guide to building a full stack MEAN app from scratch.

Starting My App

  • npm init to initialize my application!
  • Generate an Express app using express --css less --hbs (using Handlebars)
  • npm install to install Node module dependencies
  • Verify app works! npm start OR nodemon to run the app
  • Browse to localhost:portnumber to verify it runs

Setting up a database

  • If we want sample data (such as a seed file) we can import JSON directly into MongoDB using the mongoimport command.
  • Start mongod as root (sudo mongod) otherwise we can't communicate back and forth to MongoDB with Mongoose. Do this after importing data.
  • If I don't have any starting data, Mongo will automatically create a collection + database on connection and query.
  • We need an ORM for MongoDB.... that is Mongoose
  • npm install mongoose --save to install Mongoose in my project!
  • We need a few folders to store important information about our database:
    • db/
    • models/
  • The db folder contains the database.js connection file. It also contains JSON for seed data if it exists.
  • Need a connection string + connect using Mongoose (mongoose.connect)
  • In our database.js, we need to listen for Mongo...
    • connected
    • disconnected
    • error
  • The models folder contains a Schema (aka Model definition) for each collection.
  • require('./db/database') in your app.js to connect to your db for the app!

Serving Our Data!

  • Routers and Controllers can be synonymous
  • Our routers folder will contain individual routers.
  • The default two: index.js and users.js
  • I want to make a new router. I call it routers/something.js
  • I need to var nameOfRouter = require('./routers/something');
  • Ok, now it is time to map it to a resource, aka localhost:3000/something/
  • app.use('/resourceurl', nameOfRouterVariable)
  • That would map to localhost:3000/resourceurl
  • Now, I need to add routes to my router... how do I do that?
  • In my individual router file, I need to router.httpVerb(...)
    • router.get
    • router.post
    • router.patch
    • router.put
    • router.delete
  • I can respond with 3 different things!
    • res.send('a string of text')
    • res.json(someObjectToTurnToJSON)
    • res.render('nameOfView', {dataObjectToUseOnPage})


  • required to be in that models folder.
  • Each model represents a collection!
  • Each model needs to require('mongoose') so it can talk to the ORM
  • Each model also needs to define a mongoose.Schema... this allows us to...
    • Blueprint data
    • Assign data types to keys
    • Minor data type validation
    • Even require certain keys have values
  • Export mongoose.Model('NameOfModel', schema, optionalCollectionNameLikeSelf.table_name)

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