Ruby Rups!

Round 1: Prime Time

  • Write a method called prime? that takes a single parameter called number and returns true if the parameter is a prime number, or false otherwise.
  • Use the Math.sqrt ...

Round 2: Fardingworth Falls

  • Let's generate some random town names for a Tycoon-style video-game. We can do this by combining the following generic name fragments:
  • Starts: Bed, Brunn, Dun, Far, Glen, Tarn
  • Middles: ding, fing, ly, ston
  • Ends: borough, burg, ditch, hall, pool, ville, way, worth

Step 1

  • Write a method called town_names that randomly generates a number of town names by combining one Start, one Middle, and one End. Calling town_names(5) should give an array of 5 town names. If just town_names is called, generate 3 names.

Step 2

  • Modify the method so that calling town_names(3, 'near_water') will randomly add either "-on-sea" or " Falls" to each of the names. Optionally, think of another value that the second argument could have, and add appropriate random suffixes or prefixes when it is provided.

Step 3

  • Modify the method so that calling town_names(3, 'short_name') will always generate names without a Middle.

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