Introduction to Testing

Learning Objectives

  • Understand why we should test our code with specs
  • Describe what assertions and expectations are
  • Manually write a test for a DOM element

We ASSERT something that should match an EXPECTED value

  • Asserts are what our actual value we get.
  • They are what fails a test.
  • We EXPECT that an ASSERT matches our EXPECTED value
  • Let's visualize this... together.

Testing Code

 * Verifies that an image has a src attribute.
 * @test
function doesImgHaveSrcTest(imgObj) {
  var assert = imgObj;
  var expected = true;
  if (assert.hasOwnProperty('src') == expected) {
    return true;
  return false;

Refactoring Tests: Before

We want to break our tests down to where we compare our assert and our expectation. Here are a few tests.

Testing Pi

 * Verifies that pi = '3.14'
 * @test
function verifyPiTest(pi) {
  var assert = pi;
  var expected = '3.14';
  if (assert.toString().substring(0,4) == expected) {
    return true;
  return false;

Refactoring Tests: After

You can see our tests and how they now just compare our assert and our expectation.

 * defines a test
 * @test
function doesBodyExistTest(dom) {
  var assert = dom.getElementsByTagName('body');
  var expect = 1;

  if (assert.length == expect) {
    return true;
  return false;

 * Verifies that an image has a src attribute.
 * @test
function doesImgHaveSrcTest(imgObj) {
  var assert = imgObj.hasOwnProperty('src');
  var expected = true;
  if (assert == expected) {
    return true;
  return false;

 * Verifies that pi = '3.14'
 * @test
function verifyPiTest(pi) {
  var assert = pi.toString().substring(0,4);
  var expected = '3.14';
  if (assert == expected) {
    return true;
  return false;

Your Turn

Write a test to verify that a <div> has content (such as ... innerHTML...).

 * Verify that a div has content
 * @test
function doesDivHaveContentTest(divObj) {

  var assert;
  var expect;

  if (assert == expect) {
    return true;
  return false;


results matching ""

    No results matching ""