Fullstack Sinatra

Field Trips / Speakers!

On Thursday, we have the following events:

Before we build some full stack servers, let's review some HTTP!


Is a standard to work with APIs and other data sources.

  • GET items
  • GET items by an ID
  • POST to CREATE a new item
  • UPDATE an item by an ID
  • DELETE an item by ID

We call this...


  • Create
  • Read
  • Update
  • Destroy

HTTP Verbs

  • GET - a web request that allows us to ... GET something
  • POST - a web request to send something to POST (like Postal Service) -> sending something off!
  • PUT or PATCH - a web request designed for updating things
  • DELETE - a web request.... DESTROYSSSS!!! GODZILLA!!! ROAR

HTTP Status Codes

  • 404 - Not found
  • 403 - Forbidden (aka your passwords sucks or is wrong or whatever)
  • 500 - OH SH.... code or server broke!!!!
  • 200 - OK - everything is good, everything loaded, f--- yeaaaa :)

Bring it Together


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