Part 4: Ruby 101

This week we are going to dive deep into the Ruby programming language!

Field Trip: The Nerdery

Tuesday at 2:00pm we will meet in Classroom 1 and prepare to take an afternoon field trip to The Nerdery.

The Nerdery, 1033 West Van Buren Street #700, Chicago, IL 60607

We must be there by 3pm.


We will be using the irb and pry REPLs for learning Ruby. Install them using:

  • gem install irb
  • gem install pry

Required Reading

  • Learn Ruby the Hard Way -
  • Tuesday's Reading: Exercises 1-22
  • Wednesday's Reading: Exercises 23-45
  • Thursday's Reading: 46 through 52 (and Next Steps)

Optional Reading

Below is a list of Ruby resources that we recommend checking out if you want to prior to next week. Next week, we'll cover Ruby (not Ruby on Rails) and introduce building servers. If you'd like to get a bit of a head start, here are some of your instructor's favourite reads (order of least in depth to most in depth):

Finally, we highly highly recommend checking out Sandi Metz's Practical Object-Oriented Ruby. It is a short book (compared to other programming books) fantastic examples. We have two copies on our local library. Unfortunately, it is not free but it may be purchased as a digital or physical copy.

Finally: Ruby on Rails != Ruby. Rails is a framework written in Ruby. So no need to read Rails books (we'll cover Rails later in the course).

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